Killearn Village Hall

Killearn Village Hall (December 2013)

The former Kirk was used from 1826 to 1882, by which time was too small for the number of worshipers. It is now a village hall, owned by Killearn Community Futures Company (KCFC), a registered charity with the objective of improving and protecting community life of the village.

Killearn Village Hall website:

One thought on “Killearn Village Hall

  1. The original part of the building played a big part in my childhood – Peter Scott, The Naturalist and Artist visited, gave a talk and judged the children’s art work – I remember Brian Atkinson (in my class at school) won first prize for a beautiful painting of a wild exotic bird- another talented artist in the making then. There were the Flower shows – my Dad won a few cups and blue ribbons for floral art, his chrysanthemums and his vegetable boards. My sister and I would always pay a visit to the back of the hall where all the farmers wives were selling tea and home made baking. Visited again for the first time last year (some 45 years later) and saw great changes in the place. The village is as beautiful as ever and my heart is still there.

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