Killearn Hospital

Killearn Hospital was one of five commisioned in 1938 in preparation for the war. Building started in 1939 and also complete in 1941 in time for the air raids on Clydebank and other Clydeside towns, which could be seen and heard in Killearn.

Local people had been asked to assist in getting the hospital ready to meet the emergency. As well as air raid casualties it was used for treatment of sick and wounded servicemen, injured seamen from convoys arriving in the Clyde, essential war workers, pensioners and Prisoners-of-War. It played an important part in the Clyde Valley Scheme for urgent treatment and care of war workers and was also used for emergency cases from the surrounding population.

The hospital had close links with Glasgow Western Infirmary but had several special units of its own. The orthopaedic and neurosurgical units were famous throughout Scotland, the latter being transferred to the Southern General Hospital.

The hospital was desgined to provide 640 emergeny beds, but after the War its total bed complement was 404.

The distance from Glasgow casued problems with the transportation of emergency cases and of visitors and nursing staff.

The hospital was eventually abandoned in the early 1970’s.

Also see Killearn Hospital images on Flickr.

225 thoughts on “Killearn Hospital

  1. My mother, Mary (Clark) Ray, worked in this hospital during WWII as an Occupational Therapist. She was brought over from Canada, and asked to help set up an OT department. However, when she arrived, the superintendent of the hospital didn’t think OT was very valuable and made the establishment of OT services very difficult initially. However, Mom was successful enough he began to appreciate the value and by the time she left to come back to Canada, he admitted she would be sorely missed.

    The Ontario Society of Occupational Therapy is gathering things for their archives so if anyone can share some information that would add to the stories of OT’s making a difference for rehabilitating people, I would be delighted.

    1. At the young age of 38 my mother had a hip replacement in Killearn Hospital in 1952 & I remember going to visit her as a young 5 year old as she stayed there for a number of months, She subsequently told me hip replacement was classed as “experimental”, However trying to research this I can only find hip replacements started in the UK approx 1962 which was way after my mother was operated on, I would dearly love clarification on this, Many Thanks from Margaret Wall

  2. My mum worked there with sick kids before it went to Ruchill, about 1967. she didnt really enjoy it there but went to Ruchill which she loved

  3. I trained as an orhopaedic nurse in killearn hospital from 1968-1970 & those were very happy times.It is heartbreaking to see the place in ruins now.I have so many great memories from there.It was such a friendly enviroment.Too bad it had to close.

      1. Hi Stan the scan!I never did say goodbye.Killearn will always be in my heart & all the great people I met there!

        1. tell me Gabrielle what are you up to last I heard you were in Canada. Every time I think of the old scan room it is with nothing but affection. Every time the old memory cells construct a picture of you you have a smile on your face, and that can be nothing but good. I am now living in Australia which is a good place for a wobbly to grow old disgracefully

          1. Well Stan,I’m still in Canada & still smiling but with a few wrinkles.My youngest daughter was out in Australia for a year,Melbourne &then Sydney,she returned here last August reluctantly.Where in OZ are you?
            We had a wee bit of a reunion in September at Killearn with some of the folk we trained with & it was really nice to get together but very sad to see the hospital in ruins.
            lovely to hear from & do keep in touch.

          2. Hi, My name is John Young and went to Canada in 1981. My home for many years was in Strathblane.
            Killearn Hospital is a place I new fairly well as my friend was a nurse there. I have learned that he died some time back. Tommy married a nurse from the hospital. Its so odd, I remember her name like it was yesterday Valery. At that time I was in love with a nurse, Jean Porte. Fantastic times which I still hold so dearly.
            Any old school mates can email me. Would love to here from them.
            Went to Balfron high school. Still have contacts, like Mike and Sheila Rennie in Killearn, Rina Taylor, now Chranston. on and on. Miss you all. John.

    1. Well Gabrielle I am in the swinging city of Adelaide. I have a son in Paris (chef) and a daughter here in Adelaide (lawyer- about to make me a grand dad). I am on facebook as Robert Stanley Orr with a picture of a gorilla.

      1. Did your Mum marry Eddie Manderson who was a male nurse there.If it’s the same Sheila I remember her well.

        1. Hi Gabrielle. George McLachlan here! I was ordering flowers for my son and his wife when the lady told me about this website! How are you and yours? I have two children and three grandchildren that keep me really busy. Are you in contact with Rosemary or any of the others in our set? I have fond memories of the church service in ward 6 remember?! And our trips to the Black Bull! Best wishes.

    2. Can you remember my mum. She was in Killearn hospital from 1961 until around 1968 with severe head trauma. A slate went through her skull. Her name was elizabeth collins.

    3. I was a patient in the children’s ward 1969 for almost a full year. Sister Dallas was in charge of the ward. Anyone remember her?

      1. Hi Caroline- I was an orthopedic patient at a very young age in the early 60’s. I was operated on by Mr Barnes ,and I had to attend regularly through the 60s for check ups. I remember Sister Dallas well -there was a budgie [blue I think !] in the nurses room.
        My mother had previously been a physiotherapist there ,her boss being Miss Margot Arthur and I believe she met my father there as a patient.
        Homesick as I was when I was there, I remember the smell of the place plus that of the fresh country air when the windows and doors were opened ,and the smell of cut grass !
        I think the privacy curtains were a purple floral pattern and that there were toys at the end of the ward ,including a dolls house ,none of which I could access ,due to being in plaster .
        I also think Sister came round every Friday with a big sweetie jar ,including a big red lollipop ,but bear in mind I was probably aged 3 at most !
        My mother also had a hip replacement at Killearn early 70’s ,so I have a collection with the place.
        I hope this reaches you and that it may be of interest.

        1. My 38 year old mother underwent a hip replacement in 1953 & stayed there for a number of months & as a 5 yr old child visited her there often. However I’m trying to research when the first hip replacements first took place in Scotland all I can come up with is the year 1962 in London. I would be grateful for any kind of clarification on this

    4. I was in the children’s ward for a year 1969/1970. Had a series of orthopedic operations. Sister Dallas was the sister in charge then.

      1. Hi l was a patient in the children’s ward in 69/70 and remember Sister Dallas, l had TB in my spine

    5. I was in the childrens ward for a full year having a series of orthopaedic operations between 1968/69. Mr McPherson was the professor who operated on me assisted by Mr Blockie

  4. I was a patient at Killearn Hospital around 1967/8, I was in for a brain tumour, I remember the smell of the place and the nurses especially one nurse who I called auntie buntie, I was in hospital for a long time and I was always allowed to visit the female patients and they would let me have a drink of coffee. The gardens where beautiful and I can remember rabbits running about. If it wasnt for the staff at Killearn I wouldnt be here today

  5. My mother was a patient in ward 1 at Killearn, nursed by Staff Nurse Ward and her team. I later trained there as a nurse and especially remember Sister Cronin who kept me on the straight and narrow. Such a shame to see what has happened, it was absolutely beautiful grounds and so peaceful.

    1. Just been reading the comments about Killearn Hospital.I was brought up along from there at the sawmill and remember seeing all the buses at weekends taking all the visitors to the hospital.Also when we got on the bus for school there were never any seats for us until the bus emptied at the hospital with all the staff going to work.When the hospital closed the buses stopped going round that way.It is indeed very sad to see the place in such a state.Miss Ward lived in the village with her sister until a few years ago and they are now both deceased.

      1. HI nancy, my nana lived up the road by the saw mill, her name is Kathleen Russell aka Kathy, she passed away 6 years ago, if you new her is there anything you could tell me about her, i obviously know an awful lot but its nice to find out from others to, and pictures if you have any, she also worked at the hospital as a nurse, i have a staff pic of her and her colleagues i could scan it on.

        1. Hello Kat,yes I knew your nana.The family came to Lettreburn when Samuel was a baby.I moved from there when I married in 1972 and lived in a cottage nr the smithy on the other side of the hospital.My dad was the blacksmith at Blane Smithy and sometimes the patients would walk along to the smithy and sit on the barrel inside the door and get a haircut! That would have been in the forties I think.Anyway,I have been in the village since 1982 and didn`t see your nana much after that.I see Samuel most days when he is in the village for shopping. Which one of the family do you belong to? There was David,Elaine,Valerie,Robert and Samuel.
          Sorry I have not been checking here for a while.

          1. Wow I cant believe you remember so much about her and my uncle Samuel, I belong to Elaine she has 4 of us altogether and now 2 grandchildren by my elder sister. The village is such a lovely place to be I have so many happy memories growing up 🙂

          2. I completely forgot to check this, I am so happy to hear the above. My mum is Elaine 🙂

    2. Ah ! Sr Cronin ! She was a guiding ightning for me. Matt Rodgers. Started my lifelong nursing career there in 1965 .

  6. I grew up at the Blane Smiddy and can remember Killearn Hospital in its heyday, I remember as a wee boy delivering the News papers to the Wards, getting autographs from all the football players that were having cartilage operations, helping my Mum & Dad fill up the vending machines, I can also remember the nurses returning from the The Black Bull and Knocking on the shop door at 11pm looking for cigarettes discussing with each other on how to get back in without the Matron catching them.
    Just remember don’t just blame the asbestos for the way the hospital is now, when it closed there was allot of interest in redeveloping it but the do gooders kept on rejecting the numerous plans that were put forward.

    1. Anne,are you Rachel,s daughter? I was very friendly with her until she passed away. I did not
      realise you had done EN training at Killearn,obviouslt many years after I trained in orthpaedics
      there. Would like to hear from you again. I still live in the same place. I tried to phone you,
      but there is no response to the number I have.

  7. I remember Killearn Hospital very well, My mother was a patient in there, I think around 1966, for Asthma. I was at school in Killearn and stayed out near Croftamie, and remember you too Duncan Goodwin! (you were in my class at school)
    Killearn Hospital was set in beautiful gardens, it is such a shame to see the place go from rack to ruin, the site should be cleared and perhaps another hospital built in the grounds, it is such a peaceful setting

    1. Hi Fiona,I remember you very well too.I still live in the village and it`s a blast from the past to see your name here.Hope you are well.

  8. my gran Margaret Brown (cairns. worked in kllearn for years as an auxillary nurse. she had always dreamed of becomng a nurse but her mother would not let her as she was requred to bring home money for the family. she talked fondly of her time at killearn

  9. I remember the hospital very well as I lived at Crosshead Roadin the village. I used to work at weekends in the farm across the road from the hospital, collecting the cattle and driving them to the farm, also watching the helicopters arriving with the injured from the Cairngorms and surrounding areas.

  10. Can someone please give me the postcode for Killearn Hospital or the nearest possible postcode as would like to visit

    1. Killearn, Glasgow, G63 9PT

      thats the postcode for oakwood nursery and cafe, the hospital is just over the road from there and your best bet would be to park in there car park and walk over to the side of the road that the hospital is on.

  11. I was a spinal injury patient at Killearn Hospital 1964 under the care of consultant Mr Shorstein for whom I have a great deal praise, he spoke to you the patient not as was common in those days to discuss your proposed treatment with everyone around your bed space, totally ignoring the person in the bed. His expertise gave me the ability to walk again, but warned me I may suffer associated problems later in life which has happened.
    A few years ago returning north by train from London Euston I was joined at the seats opposite by a Father and Son from Glasgow who had spent the day at the House of Commons / Lords. I mentioned during my service in the Royal Navy at Faslane I spent some time at Killearn with a spinal injury. I mentioned the Consultant by name, the father replied his mother was treated by the same person at Killearn around the same time, his mother always said he had saved her life. That day on the train was the first time both they and I had heard the name Shorstein by someone outside their family. I do not remember the ward number, memory loss is a problem, but I have just recalled a nurse by the name of Port thank you for your care should you by chance read this comment.

    1. Joe Shorstein was not just a great medical professional but a philosopher. Sadly, he seemed to have lived a very tortured inner life, as described by R.D.Laing (who worked at the hospital in the late 50’s) in his autobiography. May he RIP.

    2. My brothers life was saved by Mr. Shorstein in May 1956 when he fell from a wall in the back court causing a life threatening head injury. We lived in the east end of Glasgow and my brother John was taken there as an emergency. As he arrived at Killearn Mr. Shorstein was leaving to go home when he saw my 6 year old brother and turned around, he said when he operated my brother was knocking on the golden gates, my 94 year old mother has never forgotten him

    3. Jo Shorstien was a Consultant in Neuro surgery… Leading his speciality at the time. He lived playing classical music while operating

  12. My mom came from Germany in 1949 and worked as a nurses aide at Killearn Hospital. I remember her telling me stories of going to dances on her days off with her girlfriends. They had to walk quite a long way from the hospital before catching a bus.
    She met my dad at one of those dances…just 2 weeks after arriving in Scotland. She had fond memories of the place, as it was the beginning to a very happy marriage!

  13. I spent a very happy 5years at killearn Hospital and would be delighted to hear from anyone who was there between 1967-1972

    1. Hi Elaine,I remember you.If I’m correct you were an enrolled nurse.I have just been in contact with Noreen Devenney,actually I stayed with her when I was home in Ireland.I’m now living in Canada.Would love to hear from you.

    2. I was an orthopaedic student nurse at Killearn Hospital I started PTS in September 1967 and would love to hear from anyone who was there with me I was Hazel McVean then.

      1. I was there when you were there(elaine McCartney) you will also find Noreen,cathy &Gabrielle on this site.We had a reunion in Killearn last year which was a wonderful catch-up.Love to hear from you do you remember Pat Harkness and Sheena Ross and loads more?

          1. Hi Margaret,how are you?This is Gabrielle Mc Grath.We had a reunion in Killearn a few years ago with some of the girls we trained with.I can’t believe it will be 50 years in September since we started our training…wow how the time has flown!I live in Canada & have been here for 43 years.I’ll give you my email address as I would love to hear from

          2. Hi Margaret, I remember you I was in the next room to you in the nurses home.They were the best days. Where are you now? I retired a few years ago.I would love to hear from you There are a few of us who are still in touch.

      2. Hi Hazel. I remember your name but unfortunately i cant place your face. The old memory is not up to much these days..Do you remember me. I was in the Sept 1968 pts. I hope you are keeping well.

        1. I must have known you as I was there from Sept 1967 until Dec 1969.I remember just a few names Joy Mac Namee ,Mary MacAteer and Mairead somebody and I would recognise others if I heard their names.It was such a lovely place to work so friendly

          1. Hi Hazel
            I was speaking about you to a friend recently. I remember you giving me a lift in your new car when we were in first year! I have fond memories of Maraid too. Hope you are well. George.

    3. hi elaine my name is george wilson i was theyre i can only remember being there sufferining from perthis one of the nurses was like a surrogate mother to me i cant remember much due to ptpost traumatic stress all my memories have been erased i know i was ther long enough to not know my own mother i was broken hearted when they took me home use where all t the family i knew what i remember was a nurse bringing her little sister in so i could celebrate xmas and one time the the farmer giving me a tour inbetween changing the tape on my weights use where all beatifull people wish i could remember i know the memorys where good wish could find someone who remembered me thank use all for your service yous where true angels

      1. Hi George I am Gary . I was also a patient in Killearn I am not sure but I think around 1967 I was the kid that had the big meccano like frame
        all around it. I too don’t remember very much but I do remember the Taxis taking us out on a day out. There was a nurse who brought me a huge bag full of matchbox cars. and getting my hair washed was a massive world war three affair. I was next to a kid called Freddy.
        Would love to hear from folk that might prompt my memories.

    4. Hi, I trained there on the combination course with W. I. G I was there 1960-62 then back as theatre sister in 1965

      1. Hi my name is Gary Bisset I was a patient in the kids ward in the 60s. I would love to hear from anybody that knew me then as my memories are vague. I hung in ropes and pullies above the bed 3 in a big metal frame and plaster cast.

        1. I was also a patient in the children’s ward late 60,s. The sister in charge was sister Dallas. I was in for a year having a series of orthopaedic surgeries

      2. Hi Fiona,
        I remember you from Killearn.I was a student nurse there from 1968-70.
        Unfortunately Elaine Mc Cartney passed away about two years ago.
        We had a reunion there about 10 years ago with some of the nurses we trained with.
        We stayed at the Black Bull in the village which I believe is no longer there.
        We had a chance to tour the” remains” of the hospital which was quite heartbreaking to see it in ruins.
        Many happy memories from those days!

  14. Hi Elaine,I remember you from Killearn.You were an enrolled Nurse there.I met up with Noreen Devenney in the summer & she hasn’t changed!I’m living in Canada & I would love to hear from you.

    1. Hi Gabrielle, It was lovely to hear from you.Where abouts in Canada do you live? Ian and I lived in Calgary for years and now our daughter and grandson live in Burlington Ontario in fact we spent Xmas with them. We came back to U.K. in2005 and settled in Somerset,but spend our holidays flying back and forth to Canada. How is Norren does she live in Canada? I often think it would be lovely to keep in touch with people so if you have time it would be lovely to keep in touch and give me all your news

  15. Hi Elaine,thanks for responding. Noreen is back living in Ireland.She had lived in England for a while.I live in Winnipeg & have been here for 36 years….where has the time gone?So sad to what has happened to Killearn Hosp.I think those were the two happiest years of my whole nursing career.My email address is you been in contact with anyone else from the old days?look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Hi Gabrielle,I was delighted to hear from you.My e-mail address Thanks for yours and I have pit it into my contacts and will keep in touch that way as it is not too easy getting into this site either that or Iam not too clever with the computer!! I do not have any contact with anyone from the hospital but I did register with friends re united and there are a few onthe site i.e. Hazel mc Vean,Rosemary Devine,and I think Eddie Manderson-he married Sheila mcFarlane so it is a good contact site-do you remember any of them? It will be great to reminise with you and see how much we both remember. Noreen was at my wedding 41 years ago.I wonder if she remembers? Does she have an e-mail as it would be nice to chat to her also. I have worked in hospitals in Canada and here and none of them matched Killearn ,I now work in an Endoscopy unit 2days a week its o.k. it pays the flight to Ontario twice a year!I went back to college and did my r.n.course as they faced out the Enrolled nurses here(cheek) but I am now semi-retired you are right time flies. Iwill go now but will talk to you soon.

      1. I was Hazel Mc Vean now Hazel Goldsmith,I really loved my years at Killearn,it was such a situation and was such a happy place.I was so sad when I saw what has become of the site

  16. Hi Elaine,I tried your email address but it didn’t work.Please send again.

  17. Hello Gabriell & Elaine
    Great to be catching up with more old friends. Thanks for the call today Gabrielle, I’m looking forward to catching up with you now Elaine. Gabrielle will give you my email address. Of course I remember your wedding, I remember your husband is called Ian Ritchie (hope I am right) would love to see some of the pictures, have you still got any. I thought you had went to Australia, I was surprised when Gabrielle said you went to Canada.
    In my head Killearn was the best time of my life. Did not always think so at the time. ha ha But it sure is a great time to look back on. We had some laughs along the way. Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to make contact with more people from our time in Killearn and have a reunion. I’d love that.

    1. I have e-mailed you hope it went through I have filled you in with allmy news hope you wont be bored!

  18. My great gran margaret brown (cairns) worked there it looks terrible but didnt used to would love to visit it now but prob aspesdos in the wall

  19. I trained in orthopaedics at Killearn qualifying with honours in 1957 thanks to our
    wonderful tutor Jenny R. I went on to gain further qulifications,to marry and have
    children and continue in a long career in nursing. Killearn was the best of all, I think
    because of the close sense of community which prevailed there helped by the relative
    isolation. The hospital site is a mess now,with trees growing out of the wards,and a
    couple of herds of evileyed belligerent goats roaming around,the billies looking for
    a fight and making it impossible to get one’s bearings.It occurred to me that at almost
    80 I could not climb out of the Home windows now, even if I could find it in the
    current moonscape. I should be very interested if anyone out there has any knowledge
    of supernatural incidents in ward one. I experienced this on night duty on this ward
    and would be keen to learn of other experiences. This manifestation is still going on
    and is well known to tocal people.

    1. Mary
      It is a while since I left a comment about my time in Killearn Hospital the comments from your former staff colleagues proves your point there was a great community spirit at Killearn.
      Which made for quality care for the patients.
      I was in the end ward turning right at the ambulance delivery door down the passage the ward was on the left thinking back I do not recall ever knowing the ward number.
      Your comment about climbing out of the home window gave me a real good laugh just the tonic I needed.

    2. If you trained in orthopaedics in Killearn in 1957 do by any chance know when the first hip replacements were first performed there? I ask because my 38 year d mother had one of the first hip replacements there in 1952 & spending a number of months there in recovery & remember visiting her often as a 5 yr old. However on trying to research first hip operations in the UK all I can come up with is first ops were carried out in London approx 1963. I am desperate for clarification. Many thanks. Regards Margaret Wall

  20. Nice to hear from you Malcolm. Glad you got a laugh out of my comment about climbing out of the Home windows -you would get an even bigger laugh if I tried it now! It was an essentially more innocent
    time and the student nurses used to go up to the dancing at Killearn Kirk,sometimes enjoying things
    so much that they often stayed until the end of the dance at 10pm, which made it impossible to get back to the hospital before locking up time,but we provided for this eventuality by leaving the windows
    of our rooms on the latch so that we could climb back in. We often referred to the Home as “Stalag Luft”because of all the restrictive rules,not realising that the matron was in loco parentis and that
    we must have caused her many a grey hair.The nursing standards were second to none and they are
    with me yet – I shall remain a Killearn nurse until I shuffle off this mortal coil. I have photographs of my
    time there, and first my children and now my grandchildren fallabout laughing at the uniforms.
    Regards, Mary


    1. Mary the comment you make about the high standard of care at Killearn, in my case the nursing care was excellent.
      Matron was once a nurse possibly pre NHS, she knew who was who and turning a little blind eye to your late return, you gave a little extra to the patient making everyone happy.
      The reason I laughed was two fold (1) thinking of you scrambling through the open window shoes in hand making as little noise as possible and thinking you had got one over on Matron.I would hope today you are able to stay out past 10.00pm and you have a front door key.
      (2) When I thought my recovery was almost 100% I made an attempt to go to the village instead of going through the front door, I thought the best escape route was walk on the grass next to the ward to the wall along side the road how misguided, I managed to sit on the wall but my attempt to get one leg on and over the wall resulted in the most tremendous pain leaving me stranded on the top of the wall fearing the next strike of unbearable pain should I attempt to move.
      I was rescued by a Postman.
      I have been told a good laugh works wonders.
      Do you remember Mr Shorestein ?

      1. Malcolm – I most certainly do remember Mr Schorstein, or “Joe” as he was known to his many friends and colleagues at Killearn. In collaboration with his fellow senior consultant Mr Sloan Robertson he built up an international reputation for clinical excellence for the neuro unit in the field of neurosurgery,and the orthopaedic high-flyers established a similar international standing for the hospital in orthopaedics. Over time, a “chair” was established in orthopaedic s at Glasgow University, the first professorship being awarded to Roland Barnes of Killearn. A professorship in neurological sciences took a bit longer, too late I think for the two gentlemen who had done so much wonderful work although I believe they were both awarded honours for their services to medicine. The first professorship was awarded to an “incomer” There is a bronze bust of MrSloan Robertson in the foyer of the Institute of Neurological Sciences in Glasgow – I do not know if Mr Schorstein is similarly honoured somewhere
        I have found some interesting stuff about Killearn on my wanderings around the net. There is mention of a book “Silent Heroes” by John Miller which includes an account of the experiences of a nurse who worked there during the war years. Your local library will be able to reserve a copy for you if you are interested – I have a reservatiion at our local branch which I will pick up tomorrow. There is also an interesting and amusing account of
        the experieces of a young English boy who sustained what appears to have been a peripheral nerve injury after an argument with a land mine, who found himself ultimately as a patient in Killearn.. He describes the “serene beauty” of the surrounding countryside,which was also a factor to those who were treated there or who worked there
        He seems to have enjoyed himself playing cards and popping out to the local hostelry- where were you off to,Malcolm,when you were making your escape? Killearn always did have an understanding attitude to patients who were able to get about and a sympathetic eye was always extended if anyone returned to the ward five sheets to the wind. The name of the latter book is, I think, MY WAR, by Douglas Vass. Just keep on clicking on the links at the bottom of the Killearn site and something usually turns up! There is one post which has what appears to be a photograph of part of the orthopaedic unit with Dumgoyne in the background and features some of the beautiful gardens
        Yes, Malcolm I do now have a front door key but it is not half as much fun as climbing in and out of the windows
        Cheers, and lang may your lum reek!



        1. It is surreal to read of Mr Schorstein, without whom, together with his team (including Mr Sloan Robertson I think) I almost certainly would not be here to write this now. Does anyone know what happened to him, and if there is any surviving family?

          1. S King try entering into your search engine Joseph Schorstein – R.D. LAING,S RABBI good luck. I have been trying to pass this information to you for siome time but could not get the site to work

          2. Dear Mary, do you know if there are any surviving family of the Schorsteins? I heard there had been some tragedy, but I would love to be able to pass on my respects.


          3. Yes there is surviving family. In fact I’m dating Dr. Schorstein’s great-grandson!!

  21. My mum & dad, Kitty (nee Gibson) & Alex Knox, met in Killearn Hospital where they both worked in the 1950’s-70’s when it closed. My dad worked in the Neuro theatre & my mum worked in the kitchens initially & was then an auxillary nurse. My Gran, Winnie Gibson also worked there.

    My family paid a visit to Killearn today & drove past the old hospital & reminisced about the good old days. Sad to see it in the state it’s in today but glad to be able to show my kids where it all began!

  22. Does anyone recollect an auxillary Nurse called Elizabeth Tyronney from Inverness. She worked there (I believe it would have been in the 1950’s sometime) until she married my Dad in 1959. She sadly passed away last October but used to fondly remember her time there and all the people and things they used to get up to. Please let me know if anyone can recall her.

  23. Hi my name is Sydney Brown from Killearn village and started working at the great hospital as an orthotic technician,then when it moved to Gartnavel hosp I became an Orthotist and have lived down in Harrogate for over 30 years ,and do miss my village so much ,but always get up to killearn 3 to 4 times a year.Nice to meet all my village pals who we went to school with.My mum Rose Brown worked at our hospital to and she is still in village.God Bless you all and a merry christmas.
    xx Syd Brown.

  24. My Dad, David W Knowles, had a cerebral haemorrhage around 1967 (aged 40 – when I was about 5 years old) and had his life saved by the excellent surgeons at Killearn Hospital, a long trip by ambulance from Johnstone, Renfrewshire, where I still live. My Mum told me that she fainted when told that he would be blind, but he was lucky for his sight to be spared. He recuperated at Hawkhead Hospital in Paisley. He lived another 25 years, taken by cancer in 1992. My niece now lives in Balfron with her fiance.

  25. I started my nursing career in Killearn Jan 1965 .When I left I took with me a young lady by the name of Anne Mitchell We married in1967 and there we remain . During my afterlife from Killearn I actually nursed Mr Shorstien at trhe time of his death . Incidentally , I visited the Hospital 24 Feb 2013 and took some photos .Be nice to hear from those who trained there around 1965

  26. I myself was a patient in Killearn Hospital in 1966. I had TB and an abcess in my lower back, after being in full length plaster for a month then an operation to remove 2 ribs I was we’ll on my way to a full recovery, thanks to the nurses and doctors, one was Staff nurse Williamson,then made up to be a sister. Another nurse I remember was nurse Campbell who was also very kind as they all were and were always smiling.
    The young lad who was in the bed next to me was a lad called William Alexander, who’s girlfriend if I remember rightly was killed in a motorbike accident in which he lost an arm. Even although I was feeling very poorly it was the staff,as they were absolutely brilliant no matter what,day or night,so please give yourselves a big pat on the back for anyone who worked there. Thank you all so very much.

  27. Thank you for your kind recognition of the nurses at that time .It is nice to know we contributed to the recovery of our patients . Incidentally ,the Nurse Campbell would be Wilma who was and is a close friend of ours to this day .

    1. You all deserve recognition for the fantastic work you all did and I do know that as a patient we all had a moan from time to time but as ever you all took it in your stride. Please say hello to Wilma Campbell from me and I do remember she smiled with her eyes and she lit up the ward as soon as she entered it. My fondest regards to you all.

    2. as a 10 year old patient at Killearn about 1970 due to a hand injury I remember a nurse with blonde hair called nurse lennon who was great and I think my doctor was called Dr Parks

      1. Nurse Lennon was Mary Lennon a student nurse at that time. Mary qualified in orthopaedic nursing and went on to train in general nursing afterwards. I believe I was in the same class as Mary 1969 /1971 loved every minute I was there great place great people .

          1. I trained at Killearn Hospital 1949-1951. It was a great hospital.Athol Parker’s was my brother in law

  28. most certainly still standing. Most of the wards accommodation blocks and theatres there . feb 2013. .. 15and. 16 missing.

  29. I remember Killearn hospital from visiting my father{ Peter} every Sunday during the summer holidays in the mid sixties. He was eventually diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis wh
    ile he was there. It took most of the day to visit from where we lived in Moffat and, only being 6 or 7, hated the journey. I do remember being made a fuss of by the staff as very few children were encouraged to visit these large nissen type wards, I also remember taking walks in the lovely grounds which surrounded them. Really would like to see the place regenerated

  30. Hi,
    I was a in-patient at Killearn in Spring to Summer of 1963 due to a spinal abcess. Dr Schorstein was an amazing surgeon who showed much care for all his patients. I was in a plaster cast for the time that I was at Killearn but was wheeled out into the sunshine which improved all our spirits. My family could only visit occasionally so it was great that it was such a friendly atmosphere.
    May Armstrong

  31. I was an 8yr old boy admitted to Killearn Hospital spring 1945 ,I sustained a right wrist
    Injury that severed the arteries & tendons.
    I was there about 4 months, I was the only kid in my ward with all the service men , my Doctor
    Was a Dr. Parks. I would dearly love to see a photo of this man who saved my right hand .
    I remember a high hedge , I think down by the main Rd that I called my Spitfire .
    I also remember that patients and nurses would go for ‘walks’ I was along as lookout !
    Which was rewarded with candy.
    So many memory’s forgotten till I stumbled on this site, hope someone replys to this,
    Sincerely, John (Ian) Angus Brown

    1. Athol Parker’s was my brother in law.Unfortunately he died in his seventies, far too early, he had lots planned for his retirement.If you let me have your e mail address I can send you his photograph.
      I trained at Killearn in 1949-1951, It was a wonderful hospital

      1. Athol Parkes was my father’s best friend, Dad having been an orthopaedic surgeon at Killearn during the early WW2 years, and they continued their friendship after we moved to
        Inverness when Dad went to work at Raigmore Hospital. Athol and his wife, Helen, were
        a big part of my childhood and I adored them both. He was very clever and witty. He played the piano at parties, and could provide music for hours while people sang, and even if he didn’t know the song requested could always come up with a pretty good version of it after listening to it a couple of times – he couldn’t read music but had taught himself to play by ear. Dad had huge respect for him professionally as well as as a friend. It’s lovely to read the posts on your site and find so many good memories of him. I hope you don’t mind my posting this, when I have no real connection with Killearn – I only went there once, about twenty years ago, to visit the place I’d been told so much about, and I recognised many things from photos my father had taken. I was heart-broken to see the ruins of what was such a fine hospital.

        1. With great interest I read your letter re Athol Parkes. Helen was my sister and I remember meeting your parents too. I trained in Orthopaedics at Killearn hosp and have many fond memories of my time there(1949-1951)

          1. Hello Mabel. I note that you were at Killearn Hospital from 1949 to 1951. My mother in law Mrs Clementine McKeich was a nurse there at that time, but was tragically killed in an accident involving a bus outside the hospital in March 1951. My late wife Elizabeth and her twin brother Stewart were only 3 years old at the time. I wonder if you have any recollection of this incident.
            I put a post about this story on the website some time ago, but did not get any response. Elizabeth died in 2015, but Stewart is living in Plymouth

          2. Im sorry I don’t recall that name but what a tragic accident.I was definitely there in 1949-51 then left to do my general training in the Royal Infirmary

          3. Am I right in thinking your parents names were Olwen and Dick ?

  32. your consultant surgeon was Athol Ross Parkes; he was an extremely tall,charming man who always wore a bow tie. He must have been quite young when you were his patient as it is on record that he and his fellow surgeons came to work to establish what eventually became an international centre of excellence in orthopaedics and peripheral nerve surgery in the west of Glasgow after returning from war service. I remember working with him in theatres, and he always went the extra mile to obtain the best outcome for his patients. May he rest in peace – there are many who will remember him with affection and gratitude

    Mary Maltman

    1. My father was a patient at Killearn for a brain tumour around 1947. He was 11 at the time. I think he may have been operated on by Sloan Robertson. He now has dementia and is unable to tell me anything about that time, so I would welcome any experiences of the hospital back then.

      1. Hi there, my dad was also a patient there for a brain injury in the late 50’s. I actually took him along to the hospital and he remembered what part he was in. Good luck with your findings, I’m also keen to find out more

        1. Hi there. My father would of been there roughy the same time. We also took him along to have a look at the grounds a few years ago

    2. I trained at Killearn Hospital in 1949-1951. It was an excellent hospital
      Athol Parkes was my brother in law..He died far too early, he had so much planned for his retirement

  33. I remember being rushed to the hospital with an acute appendix in a taxi.It was 1947 and I was eight years old. My father , Martin Nichols ,was one of the neurosurgical team then. In the RAMC,he had been released from a POW camp at the end of the war and found work at Killearn with Sloan Robertson from 1946 to 1948 .After that he went to Aberdeen to develop the new neurosurgical unit there.
    We rented a house on Station Road–Benview, I think it was called, and I would walk to school ( the old school!) up a narrow path between two fields. Lovely!
    Judy Cameron

    1. Hello Judith,
      I have just read your comment about Killearn Hospital.I haven`t been on this website for a while.My great grandfather built Benvue, at top of Station Road,along with his brother.They started up A&J Sinclair,Joiners.My great grandfather lived in the house on the right of the building. My grandfather was born there and sadly when his youngest sister passed away the house was sold.I was born 1951 and went to the old school too until the new one was built in 1961.It is now made into houses which cost a fortune.

      1. Hi did you no Dr Barclay? Just found out my Auntie had we girl around 1950 and Dr Barclay got her adopted ? Thanks

          1. hi stacey it was my mums sister that had the little girl and Dr barclay got her adopted they called her baby Norma but i would think her name would have been change , she would be my cousin and it would be great if we can find her , do you have any info ? baby norma has 2 sisters and brother all alive and well .Thank You very much for getting in contact x

  34. I was a student at Killearn from September 1967 and I have really fond memories of my time there.I remember nursing the patients in their Plaster beds on the verandahs and..I also remember a Sister Dallas on the childrens’ward and James Tulloch Brown a Consultant,can’t remember the Prof’s name but his registrar was Mr Woods.Happy days.

    1. i was a student nurse started jan 1967 left in 196because i decided to get married the professor was barnes and i remember trying to stop him coming into the ward during rounds not knowing who he was i loved my time at killearn and have many good memories

      1. Hi Christine I vividly remember that incident and frequent relate it to my friends as an example of how respected the Consultants were in those days.Hazel (McVean)Goldsmith

    2. My fathet Jackie Cameron was a patient at Kilearn about 1967….just wondering if anyone remembered him when he was there.Thank You

      1. Hi I am Gary I was a patient in Killearn around 67 not sure exactly as don’t remember very much. I am very keen to have my memory jogged . I was the kid with the big metal mecanno like frame all around my bed. I remember I was in a bed next to a kid called Freddy sister Dallas was always nice strict but nice. A nurse who brought me a massive bag of matchbox toys, and getting my hair washed was like ww3 breaking out. I’d to here from anybody that remembers me.

  35. Hi Hazel,I remember you and There are a few of us on this site that were all there with us.We had a reunion 2years ago we all had got older but it was the same family atmosphere that we had all those years ago.

  36. Hi Hazel,I remember you and There are a few of us on this site that were all there with us.We had a reunion 2years ago we all had got older but it was the same family atmosphere that we had all those years ago.

  37. I was seconded from the western infirmary as a student nurse for Paediatrics experience in 1962. For some reason we could not be accommodated at Yorkhill. Since it was out of the way, parents could not visit daily. I remember a 3 year old with Spina Bifida whose mother told him ( at the end of visiting time) that she was just going to the toilet, but she never came back; her way of saying goodbye without upsetting the wee lad.. He kept his eyes on the door every waiting moment for days. Heartbreak for us all, but how do you rationalize with a 3 year old?!

    1. Rag I’ve just found this site & read your post. I’m wondering if I could be the child describe? I was a spina bifida patient and Something similar happened to me with my mother but I was 5 in 1962.

  38. My late father, George Thompson (dob August 1929) was a patient at Killearn as a young man. He had a tubercular infection in his hip and spent long periods (perhaps recurring) at Killearn, I think in the late 40’s-50’s and possibly early 60’s. He had previously been a patient as a very young child at Mearnskirk and was evacuated to Millport during WW2. I realise that it’s unlikely that there will be many surviving patients or staff of his vintage still alive, but I would love to know more about Killearn during these periods. My Father was oddly very happy at Killearn and spoke with great affection of the WW2 vetrans who helped “educate” him and make up for the gaps in his education that had occurred due to his illness. And also of the nursing staff and doctors who cared so brilliantly for the patients. I think he had fun at Killearn, although the administration of streptomycin straight into his hip joint didn’t sound fun at all. When he died, he asked for his ashes to be scattered on Dumgoyne, close to Killearn. If anyone does have any memories or information about the hospital or my Dad’s during his time there, I would love to hear from them. His doctor may have been Dr Sloan???? Thank you, Laura Thompson.

    1. Hello Laura. My father was in Killearn Hospital late 40s to 50s to treat TB hip as a young boy. He also speaks fondly of his time there and had a very similar treatment to you father. Dad remembers a Nurse Bradly from Paisley and a Nurse Grant. Dad’s name is John Walker and he’s from Paisley.

  39. I was in Killearn Hospital for about three weeks when I was 14. I had been suffering from petit mal seizures. I think it was in January 1964 because outside it was bitterly cold, but inside lovely and warm. Along with EEGs, I had an exploratory operation where (under local anaesthetic) I had a hole drilled in the side of my head to allow some sort of gas to be pumped in and X-rays taken – I think to observe the absorption rate to differentiate between normal and tumourous cells? Anyway I was told during the op. that he (the surgeon) would now use a brace and bit for the drilling and as it was just above my ear I could hear the grinding and the bone chips falling. I couldn’t stop laughing because all I could think was “this man’s drilling a hole in the side of my head” which just seemed so surreal :). I remember also that I was allowed to smoke! Apparently, I found out long afterwards, that they had originally thought it was an aggressive tumour, and that the son of similar age to me of people my parents knew had had one and died within three months. They knew I smoked and asked special permission. The staff were all so kind and caring.

  40. After reading through all the comments again, I know recall that the neurologist who got me admitted to the hospital was Dr Gaylor and the surgeon who led the operations was Mr Sloan Robertson.

  41. Does anyone remember my grandfather.he was a patient ward 14a in 1958.I think he had an operation for a brain tumour.sadly he didn’t survive.I have a letter he wrote to my gran while he was in kilearn hospital.his name was HENRY ROBERT STOCKLEY.

  42. Hi my name is Colin Duffy and I was a patient (spina bifida) at Killearn on a number of occasions from my birth in 1957 until at least 1964, possibly later. My parents are now dead but have contacted the NHS archivist for details of my stays. I recall a surgeon by the name of Mr Blockey. Does anyone else remember him?
    I visited the hospital site yesterday for the first time since I was a child……..the visit evoked powerful memories!

    1. Hi my name is Theresa Daly I was a patient for TB spondilite. I remember Mr Blockey how can I forget the person who saved my life. Sorry for my English but I left Scotland more than 50 years ago

    2. Hi Colin I was in Killearn in 1957 as a baby with a club foot. It was one of the worst Mr Blocky had seen so himself & I believe a Mr Wright did the first of its kind op as my leg was nearly back to front & my toes were curled like claws…leg is shorter than the other & foot one size smaller. I had 10 operations for them to turn my foot round but they did achieve it & I have went on to have as near a normal life as possible considering how bad it was…I remember seeing a picture of how it looked & I couldn’t believe the wonders these two men had made of it. I attended Killearn every year till near closing then going to Glasgow. As a teenager I was to meet both these gentlemen so they could see how things had developed but due to family issue the appointment was not kept which even now at 62 I so wish the appointment had been kept as my life would have been so different.
      PS I didn’t know this site was here had only been trying to find information regarding hospital name when I came across it….its been lovely reading the messages & I wish to thank all the nurses etc who would have been working at the time I was in Killearnon.
      Kind regards Jo x

    3. I worked as a theatre nurse with Mr. Blockey in Yorkhill children’s hospital between 1977 and 1980

  43. Both my wife and myself started our nursing career there around 1963/1964 . Mr Blockey was one of the Orthopaedic surgeons there Think he went to Gartnabel general hospital if memory serves me right . My wife did some spells in the children’s ward. Her name then was Anne Mitchell

    1. Matt – many thanks for that. Yes, I recall Mr Blockey at Gartnavel now that you say it. I wonder if your wife nursed me? I was born 12.1.57 and attended Killearn on numerous occasions both for my spine & my club foot. It’s a long shot…,,,!

    2. Hi, i know it’s a long shot but did you or any one else you keep in touch with know a Mary MacKenzie that was there between 1961 and 1965 she was 16-20 years old. She was a Domestic Servant .She is my friends mother and desperate to find out any info about her. Thanks for whatever you can find

  44. Hello, I am trying to find out some details of my grandfather James May that died at Killearn Hospital on 30/03/1965, He was from Glasgow and I know he died of a head injury. There is a story that he may have got knocked down.

  45. Hi, My name is Anne Routledge, sadly my Dad passed away 8th October 2014 aged 95 years, We have just found his Royal Naval Diary, no one new he kept one!.
    He mentions being an Inpatient at Killearn Hospital and went on leave with his leg in plaster June 1941 and the being transferred to The Cottage hospital in Oban….he damaged his leg quite badly in the Docks at Tobermory ? and was in the hospitals for about a year . learning to walk again.The Doctors manged to save his leg thank goodness.

    He mentions Nurse Molly Yates and ? Helen Grant….
    His name….. Mr Russell Simpson form Lynemouth Northumberland.

    1. Dear Anne, I’m doing some family tree research and have come across your comment here. My mother Molly Yates was a nurse at Killearn hospital in the 1940s, I’m sure that Nurse Molly Yates was my mum. Would you be able to share any details from your father’s diaries? That would be wonderful. Many thanks

    2. Hi Anne
      I have just seen your comments ,Molly Yeats was my mother and she worked at Killearn as a theatre nurse during the war
      The friends she had where also nurses at Killearn, Sheila Dunphy (who’s brother mum married) Rita Wilson, Winnie Blair

  46. Hello, Wondering if any Nursing Staff recall my two year old sister, Laura Dalgleish admitted to Killearn Hospital in October 1969. She was there for six months if I recall correctly. Her injuries were severe due to a high fall from a window. She was later sent to The Homeopathic Hospital in Mount Vernon once it was established nothing further could be achieved. Would dearly like to know the names of the Surgeon[s] and nurses who were so diligent in their care for Laura and to thank them, at a time that was extremely distressing for my parents, siblings and extended family.

  47. My friends mother worked at Killearn from 1964-65 as a domestic servant her name was Mary Mackenzie. Please can anyone remember her please contact me.

  48. I was in Killearn for seven weeks in 1967 for surgery on my feet .I remember it being very friendly and happy in kids ward and was allowed to wander the grounds in my wheelchair and visit the canteen where a lovely lady would give me tea. I had a walk round the place today it is in a terrible state .

    1. My brother Ian Mills was taken to Killearn Hospital in 1961 after a car knocked him off his bike. He was initially taken to Falkirk Royal Infirmary where doctors said the only place he could be treated was Killearn but warned that he was not likely to survive the journey. They changed their minds on whether to even attempt the journey after my grandfather put up a prayer.
      He was operated on by a Professor Dot and after 10 days in a coma began a road to recovery that sees him still with us today.
      Others in the same ward also had severe head injuries;one was a wee boy called Danny (mcbride?) who had been thrown out of a window in the Gorbals.
      I remember the smell to this day and will always be grateful to the wonderful staff.
      We made many journeys from Falkirk and after one visit stopped in a village to ask the score in that afternoon’s match at Wembley. We were told England 9 Scotland 3. Must be the village idiot, said my Uncle Robert…

  49. Hi my name is George Wilson I was a patient in killearn I was aresident theyre for a long time I was in traction being treated for Perthis disease . I remember being dragged away from my mum screaming and kicking I know I was theyre for a long time I know that because the nurses and doctors became my family I was screaming and kicking when I left killearn I had a retired head mistress as a tutor one nurse I remember brought her baby sister into visit me Xmas and the local farmer took me round on a pony to show me round the grounds of the hospital as I was strapped to a bed and hadn’t seen the grounds I remember every nurse and doc came in to say hello with a big smile to me alot I think I was part of the furniture I would like to know how long I was ther for anyone know me

    1. Hi George..i was a patient too about 1967/8..i was three..perthus as physiotherapist was I believe a guy named Butch ?..another patient was a boy named Biscuits ?..jog any memories ?

      1. My nick name at school was biscuit my surname being Bisset I spent nine months in Killearn hanging in a platercast above the bed with a big metal frame around the bed. The kid next to me I think his name was Freddie.

  50. Hi George, not sure how old you are ? My Dad was in the hospital for a year, 2nd world war injury. Regards Anne.

    1. im 51 and i havent got many memories of me as a waen vague ones trying to piece it together if if i dont know my past an what made me me if i canfind out wer im fae it will help me know wer im gone

  51. Hello, just found this site and it has brought back so many memories. I was admitted to Killearn hospital when I was eight in 1957. Mr Shorstein, who I see has already been mentioned, I believe saved my life. I had meningitis and was very ill. I remember the excruciating headache and lying on a bed in a freezing room as they tried to bring my raging temperature down. My parents were wrapped up against the cold! I wish I could remember the names of the nurses who gave me my six injections a day and the gentle doctor who made the horrible lumber punctures almost bearable.

    When I got a bit better they let me deliver the letters that had come in the post to the others in the ward. I suppose it encouraged me to get back on my feet after so many weeks in bed. I remember a Mrs Clark who was another patient.

    It’s good to read these comments from others who have been in the hospital. We lived in Paisley. It’s just good to talk to people who were there. The hospital looks so sad now.It did so much good work.

  52. I was a patient in the childrens ward in 1957. it was a wonderful place I spent six months there, Mr Blockey was my surgeon. how times have changed I was in plaster from my waist right down my left leg to my toes, had to learn to walk again. now you are home in a few days for the same operation. I loved Killearn Hosp. some of us slept outside in our beds when we could walk,teachers came to the ward every day and the scouts came once a week I really looked froward to that as they played games and it was great to talk to them. I have very wonderful memories that I will never forget. Thank You

    1. Hello my name isTheresa Daly I was in Killearn in the same period mr, Blockey was also my surgeon you cant immagine how many years I’m searching for people who have shared the same experience. I live since 1964 in Italy as you noticed my English is not perfect. I’d like to know more about these memories. Maybe we wear bed neighbors. Reading your post seems like reading my story, the same things,the same sweet memories.

  53. My grandfather Robert McKendrick spent 6 weeks at Killearn in 1961 or 62 after having brain aneurysm and sadly died there so I never knew him. Would anyone remember? He would have been visited from Bearsden by his wife Grace and son Garry, then aged 17 or 18 and possibly also by his daughter Kathleen who was severely Down Syndrome. It is still too painful for my Dad to want to discuss much. Any time I drive by Killearn and the hospital, I feel the urge to go in and walk

  54. I wonder if anyone knows of my gran Agnes Mccomb who worked here in the early to mid 1960’s but sadly died of a brain tumour at only 36 years old?

  55. i come from Balfron and met a trainee nurse at the dancing in killearn hall cannot remember her name but I made a big mistake letting her go she had long red hair about 1962/3 just like to know where she ended up


  56. My mother Elizabeth Collins (now Myles) spent 5 years in killearn hospital from 1961 to 1966. She was 12 years old taken in with severe head trauma. A slate fell from a roof in Partick paralysing my mum from the neck down. She was firstly in the neurological ward and remembers Nurse Barnes and an auxiliary nurse Gourley and nurse Robb. She was then transferred to ward 1 and remembers nurse Ward and her sister May. She also remembers these others. Jill Farkison – physiotherapist. Butch Hawekwell – worked in the gym. Sister Nan Hunter. Ann Knox – physiotherapist. Ms Andrews ?? (Could be wrong) head physio.
    Does anyone else share the memories my mum has? We took a drive out to killearn hospital very recently and it brought so many memories back for mum. She remembers so vividly the smells, sounds, faces! She remembers lying on a veranda looking out to countryside and remembers how pretty the scenery was. Mum has often told me and my sister and brother how she owes her life to the surgeons, nurses and doctors at killearn hospital. Mums 66 now, she has been married for 40 years and has 3 children and 10 grandchildren. She would love it if anyone had shared memories or remembered her. Xx

  57. I am sure I remember your Mum as I to was in Killearn Hospital in 1966. They used to wheel us down to an empty ward to watch a film, to alleviate the boredom no doubt. One film I remember watching was Blazing saddles and another was called Summer Holiday starring Cliff Richard. I hope all is well with her and please send her my regards.

  58. Mentioned to my wee wife we were both student nurses in me sixties ,Her name was Anne Mitchell and she worked with the Ward sisters . .She remembers your mum well as will our lifelong friend Wilma nam Campbell from Ardrishaig .she now lives in Oban while we live in East Kilbride .Matt Rodgers

  59. thanks for your reply i envy your memory i was born in 1964 due to my post traumatic stress i remember brekingmy heart leaving my mum and being taking to killearn by the time i left killearn it was my home i remember being taken back to my family i didnt know them killearn was my surrogate family one nurse in particular became my mum she even brought her wee sister in to meet me an celebrate xmas with me the farmer took me round a tour of the hospital on the rare occasions i wasnt strapped to a scaffold with a weight attached to me to treat my perthis thank you for trying to help o appreciate it

  60. Ia was a patient at Killearn in 1960 I was taken to Killearn with a burst anurysim in my brain, I was 20. My Dr. was Mr. Patterson he was a great man if not for him I would belong gone. The staff were amazing. I always remember the young woman across the ward from me she had a baby and was unable to move, she cried a lot. Some days when they were busy the nurses would let me feed her soup in a little jug that looked like a teapot. I would love to hear what happened to her every so often I think of her and hope she made a good recovery. God bless all who worked at Killearn.

  61. My dad Jimmy Robinson was a patient in Killarney in the late fifties following a head injury. I have very vague memories of waiting outside the ward in the gardens while my mother visited him. I was only about six or seven at the time. The fantastic care he received saved his life and must also have influenced myself as I trained to be a nurse and loved every minute up until I retired a few years ago. Sadly my dad died just this morning, aged 92. Thanks to the care he got at Killearn he enjoyed many more years of life.

  62. I was in Killearn with perthus in 1967 when I was 3..i remember a guy called Butch and another wee boy who was called ” Biscuits “. One day I refused to do my physio..the reason being Bisciuts got new crutches..i wanted new crutches too..eventually I got my new crutches so all was name is Billy Smith and I came from Clydebank..i know it’s a long shot but have I jogged anyone’s memory ?

    1. I you did that timeline fits and i fit profie always craved orange dillutin. Juice with t biccys or digestives. Always leathered for stealin my das jaffa dnt remember being bicuit we wer in same time i remember nurses singing simple simon says my legs are pure bald because of getting tape that held the calibres on was sore

  63. I am trying to find a Elaine McKay..that id her maiden name..I believe her marriage name is Petersen..She is living in Kilern and she is in nursing..How else could I locate her???? I am from America. .

  64. Hi billy ty for your. Memorys . i was born 1964 we r simular in age.and time we wer theyre as i said i. Dont know if i wad nicknamed biscuit but i defo fit the profile .the nickname biscuit cant seem to get that out my heed.back then i didnt have many i wasnt one fir crying after my mum.i remember the xmas presents of killearn church members.i said remembr
    R farmer takung me round the hospital grounds inbetween changing my brown elasticated sticky tape.i thought it was a donkey he showed me wer i had been staying.i often thought it wasnt a donkey it was a goat but dnt think you can ride see my heed would like to hear more if you have any .but as.if your stull local wouldnae mind wee chat i went from the butney maryhill to the bundy clydebank never dull moment as you could imagine im a atone throw fae the bundy staying .

  65. Started my orthopaedic training in Killearn 1970. Loved every minute, have vivid memories of being locked out and climbing through windows.
    Phyllis Law (was Mason).

  66. Hi George,
    Great to hear from you.We had a wee reunion at Killearn about three or four years ago & stayed at the Black bull.The ones that were there & were in our class were Noreen Devenney&Cathy Hedges,there were also others there who were behind us but I don’t know if you would remember them or not.
    Are you still living in Glasgow?I’m in Canada (Winnipeg) & have been here for 42 years ….hard to imagine.
    Where the time has gone.I have three children,one boy & two girls & one grandson
    Have you retired?I retired a couple of years ago but do work on a casual basis.
    I have no idea what happened to Rosemary or Sheena.
    My email address is love to hear more from you & if you are in contact with any of the old gang.

  67. Hi all. I have just found a letter , with the hospitals address on written to my mother ( from her grandad) when she was working at the hospital. Her name was Gunilla Leven and was from Sweden. This was what i can gather 1958/59. I can recall she mentioned ” climbing out of windows” . My mum passed away 1991, 52 years old only.
    She did take me to the area when i was maybe 6-7 years old as i remeber we visited what i asume a matron living close by. This matron lived in a big house and was very nice so my mum must have got on well with her for taking myself and my dad on a trip all the way to Glasgow from Sweden.

    I live in Wiltshire, married to an Englishman .

    Faboulus to read your stories.

  68. I was a patient in Killearn for food surgery. I was about 11 or 12 years old around, 1970-1972. Mr McPherson was my consultant. I remember all the wonderful nurses and how hard working and caring they were. I particularly remember a nurse June or Judith Dawson, who came on secondment from Yorkhill Children’s hospital. She was the kindest nurse ever and inspired me to enter the profession as a adult.

    The grounds were lovely in Killearn with the environment being highly beneficial for the patients. All the fresh air and relaxed surroundings, the canteen was great and staff were so kind, every day I ordered a roll and salmon. Delicious! You could go and visit other patients in your wheelchair in the different wards.

    There was a tennis court and I remember the staff used to play after a busy day on their feet. They must have been exhausted.

    Thank you to all the staff who looked after me all these years ago!

  69. Hi everybody

    I am trying to help my husband’s aunt locate her half sister who was born at Killearn Hospital in Sept 1965. Her mother was Mary Mackenzie who was a Nursing Assistant at Killearn but came from the Newburgh, Fife area. The baby’s birth was registered by an R Ferguson who we believe to have been a senior member of staff. The birth was not registered until 9 weeks after the baby was born, Mary having been in Perth Infirmary due to an underlying condition.

    I have a few questions – firstly, did you know Mary and know that she was pregnant? Did Killearn have a Maternity Unit or would this birth be unusual? Do you know who R Ferguson could be?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this far, Linda has been trying for years to locate her younger sister named Christine Mackenzie at birth and this will likely have changed as she has been adopted.

    All the best, Annie

  70. My mother-in-law Mrs Clementine McKeich worked as a nurse at Killearn Hospital. In March 1951, she took a bus to work from her home in Fintry. She got off outside the hospital, walked round behind the bus, which then reversed over her and she was tragically killed. She left a husband, Archie, and three-year-old twins, Elizabeth and Stewart. With the help of relatives and friends, Archie, who worked on the Culcreuch Castle estate, brought up the twins; Elizabeth trained as a nurse in Stirling and Stewart joined the army and saw service in Borneo, Aden and Northern Ireland. When Archie died in 1971, Elizabeth moved to St Albans in Hertfordshire, to live with her aunt, Clementine’s sister. This was where we met, and where we were married in 1977. After 38 years of happy marriage, Elizabeth died in 2015. We had three children and I now have three grandchildren. Stewart lives in Plymouth with five children and ten grandchildren, mostly living locally.

    There can be few left alive who remember the tragic death of Clementine. At the time, it was seen as a great family tragedy, but I cannot help reflecting that without this event, I might never have met Elizabeth and had the family that I have. Elizabeth was a committed Christian and a wonderfully caring person, to whom many turned for comfort and advice. We both appreciated the significance of the Bible verse “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purposes” [Romans 8, 28]. I was always sorry never to have met Clementine or Archie.

    1. Hi Mark, I have been researching my family tree and I found your mother in law’s name. On looking at photos of her I was happily surprised to see her in her nurses uniform. When I read she had died so tragically I came across this site trying to find out what had happened to her. She was my dad’s cousin, his name was George Bruce Simpson, he died in 2015 at 90 years old. I can remember him speaking about Clem, I too am a nurse, trained in 1987. My dad used to tell me there were several nurses in our family and I assume he meant your wife Elizabeth too. So sorry to hear that she has passed away. I have one son, Fergus, and when was pregnant my dad always said to call the baby Clementine! If you have any more info about this side of my family I would love to hear about it.
      Elaine Stewart Clark

      1. Hi Elaine. I was surprised and delighted to get your comment – the first I have had from anyone with a direct link to Clementine. I have forwarded your post to my brother in law Stewart McKeich, who I’m sure will be interested in the connection. He lives in Plymouth and has four daughters all living locally and all with families – also a son who lives in London. I think his son Duncan may have done some research on thier family tree. As mentioned in my original post, after her father died in 1971, my wife Elizabeth move to St Albans, to be with her aunt Marion Pinney (nee Stewart), who was also a nurse, but I don’t think ever worked at Killearn. I am English and while I got to know Elizabeth’s Scottish relatives who were alive, I know very little of her wider family. As well as the two sisters, there were 8 brothers, 5 of whom emigrated to Canada. With best wishes Mark

        1. Thanks for reply, it is so good to find out these things. I just wish I had paid more attention to what my parents used to tell me about family and now too late. My gran was Constance Deanwater Stewart, sister of Clementine’s dad. I would love to hear about anything Elizabeth’s brother can recall. It’s also great to see photos. Thanks again for reply, Elaine

          1. Hi Elaine
            My brother-in-law, Stewart McKeich was very interested in your post and has been trying to get in touch, but has been unsuccessful, maybe because your message was a personal response to my post. He would be very grateful if you could email him at

            He may have photos that would interest you and would love to see anything you have as well.

            Best wishes Mark

  71. I trained at Killearn Hospital in 1949-1951 and would love to hear from anyone who was there about the same time
    My sister was there too but much earlier than me. 1942 onwards
    My brother in law was an orthopaedic consultant( Athol Parker’s )fro the early 40 s tuntill he retired in the 70 s

    1. Before my time Mabel but remember a specialist hand surgeon in orthopaedics.anamevwas I think Atholll Park or Parkes.When he retired he used a vintage car to take tourists around Scotland .Was there 64-66 .Soent many hours watching him transplant fingers to damage hands etc

    2. I did my orthopaedic training at Killearn from 1968-1970.I remember Athlol Parker well.Killearn was the best two years of training…..many happy memories!

      1. That was well after my time(trained in 1948-1951) but it was an excellent training school then too.My brother in law was Athol Parkes.My sister was also at Killearn but in the early forties.
        I have only just discovered this website and I find it so interesting to read so many good reports of Killearn5

        1. Can you tell me please if you know when the first hip replacement’s took place? I ask because
          my 38 yr d mother had one of the first hip replacements at Killearn in 1952 & I often visited her as she stayed for a number of months. On researching this all I can find is first hip operation took place in London in 1962, Desperate for clarification if poss. Many thanks. Regards Margaret Wall

  72. Does anyone remember PC William McEwan who was stationed at Killearn Police Station. Only asking because I remember him speaking a great deal of the many injured people he rescued from car accidents and escorted to Killearn Hospital. We arrived and took up residence in the village when he was stationed there in the 60s. I have so many fond memories from this time. He didn’t work shifts, was more on 24 hr call which meant we sometimes wouldn’t see him for long periods of time when there were emergencies, like the terrible storm which had trees falling all over the village. I remember my mother hosting a young woman from Middlesburgh whose husband had a brain trauma. She stayed with us for several weeks so she was able to visit him – I think her name was Brenda. My Dad often helped out at the mortuary. I am biased I suppose but he was a very good policeman and his job was his life. In his rare spare time he would work in his garden which was at the top of the village next to the tennis courts – it brought him calm I think in dealing with so many horrific sights in his career. See the Police House and Station is now a private residence and on occasional visits to Scotland from Greece, where I live now, my first port of call for a drive is always Killearn and the area around it. So many changes and very sad to see the hospital as it is now when it once was a very vibrant and necessary part of the community. I remember Dr Barclay and Dr Campbell very well as they lived just up the road from the Police House.

    1. Hi Margaret, I remember your dad well, he spent many a time with my dad (Jimmy Goodwin) at the Blane Smidy.

  73. I just brought a book from BetterWorldBooks in the UK, The Scots Kitchen, on the inside it says Killearn Hospital Presented to Joar-McKirlay Orthopaedic Nursing PRIZE, just wondering if anyone would remember this person.

  74. Hello old killearn hospital staff .. did my orthopaedic training there 1966 to 1968.. just The best place ever.. so.many wonderful memories.. so much so have been in village now for 46 years!!.. love to hear from anyone who remembers me as Pamela Inglis.. but now Pamela Maxwell .. great to read the old stories !!

  75. I think I was their last patient. I was five and had broken my collar bone. My mum drove me there in her mini and the receptionist said they were closed but a passing doctor took me into a side room. Got a sling out of a packing case and fixed me up.
    The sling was adjusted as it was an too big for me but I seem to heal regardless.

  76. I was there on Friday taking few pictures, Found the old theatre operating light and guess what’s left of the actual theatre.
    The site is partially demolished due for complete demolition very soon.

  77. Reading all the comments has brought back so many happy memories of Killearn Hospital. Thank you. I trained there from 1963 to 1965. Fantastic work done at that hospital.

  78. My mum and dad worked in Killearn Hospital for many years. Mum was Sadie Bell, she was an auxiliary nurse from the early fifties until the hospital closed. My dad was John McConnell and he worked as a porter and helped in the dispensary. He took loads of photos over the years, and it didn’t matter where we went, they always seemed to meet an old friend from Killearn Hospital. My mum had an anatomy book written by Miss Riddle, which I still have. I remember going on the back of their tandem to collect my mum from her shift and getting to see a skeleton called Jimmy. He was wearing a lab coat and had a cigarette between his teeth!

    1. As an orthopaedic nursing student at Killearn between 1958-1960 I remember Sadie and John as though it was only yesterday. As students we had a lot of contact with both of them such was their varied input at the hospital and was no doubt the reason why they were universally liked at the hospital. They really were a lovely couple and I remember them fondly. I had an aunt who later lived in Killearn village and met up with Sadie and John who, when told that her niece had trained there, said that they remembered me.
      I also remember Miss Jean Riddle, our wonderful principal tutor and also loved by all her students, and also Jimmy the skeleton who wasn’t a smoker in my day. I was the recipient of the first DSI gold medal for orthopaedic nurses and in the first class to undertake the joint orthopaedic and general course in conjunction with the Western Infirmary where I completed my training
      On a final note I also met my husband at a hospital dance 6 months after starting at Killearn and we have been happily married and living in New Zealand since 1963.

      1. Hi Nancy, if you were at the hospital 1958/60 I was wondering if you remember my mother, Gunilla Leven. She was from Sweden and worked at the hospital for a year as a young girl, she was born 1939. My mother is no longer with us so unable to ask her questions.

      2. Nancy, I have a photograph of my mother and what is possible a Matron/Nurse that we visited Glasgow in 1967, I was 6 years old. My mother must have been close to this lady as we visited her in her home. I don’t know how I can put this picture on to the chat so others can see it.
        I found a letter sent to my mother from her family in Sweden and she worked at the hospital 1959.

      3. Thank you for your reply Nancy. I think a lot of couples must have met at Killearn, not only my mum and dad , but dad’s sister Jean met her husband Tom Bednall. They were both working in the canteen at the time.

    2. Did your dad push us kids around the corridors and such always singing Mersey doats and doats and little lambs and Ivy

      1. Sounds like the kind of thing he might do! He was a great dad, always full of fun. Both him and my mum had a lot of strange songs they used to sing to my sister and I.

    3. Miss Riddle and Miss Nichol were wonderful tutors and Killearn was a brilliant training school, I did my orthopadic training there 1965/67 it was a great 2 year course.

      1. My mum Elizabeth Collins was 12 when a slate went through her skull in Partick. She was taken to Killearn hospital where she remained for 6 years before moving onto rehabilitation in largs. She is Quadraplegic now but went on to have 3 children and 14 grandchildren, married for 45 years now and still going strong. My mum has told me many many stories from her time at killearn and nurse Bell is always a name she speaks of fondly. Alot of the nursing staff treated mum amazingly she recalls because she was only a little girl with such horrific injuries. We have a newspaper article somewhere with mum and some of the nurses from killearn and I’m sure Nurse Bell is mentioned in the article and is beside mum in the picture x

        1. Hello Sandra, I wonder if my mum Sadie was the Nurse Bell that you mentioned. It would be interesting to see the article.

    4. Hello I knew your mother both as a student nurse and as a patient.I was in for surgery for prolapsed spinal discs I was discharged and then readmitted with a clot around my spinal cord.The doctor who was on duty was a bit slow in dealing with you and your mum who was small and slim ordered him to get me some pain relief NOW!!!!! she was a little warrior absolutely marvellous nurse she she should have been trained she was a natural and have never forgotten her at all. Please give her my thanks and very warm wishes.

      1. What a great story! I can just imagine it. You’re right, she should have trained, but for some reason her mother was always against it.

  79. My dad, Daniel Manson, was a patient at Killearn around 1958. He was aged around 41. He had osteoarthritis in all his joints and had an operation to try to give him more movement in his hands and knees, in particular. He was a panel beater, working in a garage in Maryhill, so needed this help to allow him to continue working. I was about 8 or 9, so only remember my mum taking me and my two sisters to visit him. Although having my lovely dad suffering was really awful, I remember this place fondly. It all seemed lovely and as I was told, “the nurses and doctors are helping to make him better”. There are so many lovely memories above, It would be great if one of the buildings could be saved and converted into a museum / visitor centre. There are no shortage of stories!

  80. I know I’m late joining in this conversation.
    My grandpa, Daniel McGregor worked in orthopaedics at killearn hospital in the 1950s and 1960s. Did anyone know him? I’d love to hear any stories! My mum used to skip off school and visit him at the hospital.

  81. Elizabeth Tuck here. I was a patient at Kilhearn Hospital from the early 50’s `i spent18months in traction for a disease of the hip called ‘PERTHES DISEASE”. I’m looking for information regarding my admission because my sons have had the same disease when they were young and now some o my grandchildren have the same problem. I would truly like to know what treatment was used to help me so I can pass on to the doctors in 2021 their treatment. It worked for me and I can walk without a limp. I need to know so I can help them without any surgical procedures.

  82. Sheona Lawson maiden name.Therefor six weeks for foot op. Looked after so well.
    Think I was twelve 1965. A nurse skeleton was there and was so nice to me.
    Three of us had races up and down corridors. adventure across fields with Matron shouting out the window to us.Redcross cafe. Sad to see it now but that was a good while ago.

  83. Auxillary nurse Annie McGuire Ward 4 night shift. Does anyone remember her

  84. As a veterinary student in 1960 I worked as a nursing auxiliary int the geriatric ward at Killearn. In charge was Sister Halfpenny, a formidable lady who was reputed, probably apocryphally, to have trained under Florence Nightingale. Every morning we swept down the middle of the ward, pulled out the beds on one side and swept that side, pushed them back, pulled out the the beds from the other side and swept that. We then pushed the beds back and swept the middle again. Once a week the floor was mopped with Lysol and repolished. How different from the present level of ward hygiene!

  85. To avoid confusion, I only worked at the hospital during the summer vacation in 1960,

  86. My parents met at Killearn Hospital during the war. Mother, Robina ‘Rena’ Macfarlane, was a nurse, and father, John ‘Jack’ Richardson was a surgeon. If anyone has any photos of the hospital staff from that era, and would be prepared to share them, please get in contact –

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