George Buchanan
George Buchanan (1506-1582) was born at The Moss, Killearn. Educated at Killearn, St. Andrews and Paris, he became a fluent linguist speaking Latin and Greek (superbly according to his pupil, James VI), in addition to French and his native Scots and Gaelic. He was a fluent translator of Hebrew and Spanish and may have spoken Italian.
George Buchanan was a Christian whose roots were in Protestantism. He was an expert in Latin and Greek and when Mary Queen of Scots employed him as a Tutor to her son James, Buchanan took the opportunity to instruct James in the the knowledge of Jesus Christ from the Catholic Vulgate Edition of the Scriptures…when James became King James 6 of England and 1 of Scotland he instructed the compilation of what became the finest ever translation of the Word of God, the King James Authorised Version.